Drama, Drama, Drama in Julie Lessman's A Heart Revealed

A Heart Revealed (Winds of Change, Bk 2)
by Julie Lessman
Copyright 2011
Revell Books
512 pages
ISBN: 9780800734169
Are you surprised by the title of this post? Well you won't be since you now know that this is a review of Julie Lessman's latest novel, A Heart Revealed. If you are at all familiar with this series you know that drama is the key to each of these stories. If you're like me the more drama, the better and it comes in spades in this book.

Continuing the O'Connor saga is the story of Emma Malloy and Sean, the eldest O'Connor sibling. Each has a past that they let control their future and both must learn to give it to God for a chance at happiness. The unfolding story of Emma and Sean's romance is one that is sweet, passionate, and altogether frustrating. A friend asked if I threw the book across the room as I was reading, well  let me just say that there are black and green spots on my wall where there once was only white paint. Emma is almost too giving and good. I wanted to throttle that girl if she tried to push Rose off on a certain character one more time and trust me I'm not violent in the least! If there's ever a series where you feel so connected to the characters it's this one! They come alive and one even has a cute quirk that will have you craving chocolate.

 So grab a Snickers, a few lemon drops and a caffeinated beverage (you're gonna need it because you will want to stay up past midnight) and your copy of A Heart Revealed today. You won't regret it! If you haven't read a book by Julie I suggest getting to know the O'Connor family by reading the books in order starting with A Passion Most Pure, Book One in the Daughters of Boston series and going from there. Happy Reading!

To learn more about Julie and her books visit HER WEBSITE and don't forget to check out her JOURNAL JOTS page!

*I received my copy from the author in a giveaway. I was not obligated to post a review much less a positive one.*



  1. ugh ROSE!! That story line really made me not enjoy the book :(

  2. I warned you, Renee ;-D Sorry to hear about your walls, though - hehehe!

  3. So glad you loved it so :) Great review.

  4. RENEE!!! SO glad you enjoyed it despite the book throwing, something you and Rel have in common on this book, I know!! ;) And THANK YOU for the great review as well -- I can put all my worries to rest now. :)

    It's a funny thing about Rose. I actually liked her A LOT, just felt sorry for her, but most people HATED her, which shocks me. I saw her as a young, misguided rich girl who had a lot of growing up to do, which her breakup with Sean would hopefully accomplish. I did have one reader who liked her, though, and wondered if I planned a book for her. Uh, no ... not when she's causing people to fling books across the room. Already been down that road one too many times with Charity, so ain't going there again ... :)


  5. Great review, Renee! Did you really throw the book across the room?! All in all, this one sounds excellent!! :)

  6. LOL Suko- It *may* be a slight exaggeration but this book does have more than a few frustrating moments--but I love me some conflict and drama when all is said and done!

    @ Rel- Yep, you warned me.

    @ Juju- Thanks!

    @ Carrie- Sorry you didn't like Rose. I wouldn't have liked anyone, even a sweet saint of a girl, since Emma felt like she HAD to find someone for Sean to love.

    @ Julie- Thank you for reading my review, I'm sorry I kept you on pins and needles. ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  7. I feel terrible, but remind who Rose was in this book again?? I almost shudder to ask that because this has been one of my favorites. I absolutely LOVED this book. Julie does drama well. :)

  8. Rose was the girl whose dad? owned the store that Sean managed. She really thought she loved Sean and threw herself at him every chance she got. Remember now? :-) Don't worry most of the time I forget details a few hours after I read a book no matter how much I love it! Hope I helped.

    XOXO~ Renee

  9. Oh right!! Forhead slapping moment now. Thanks. ;-)

  10. Loved your review, Renee! I'm waiting to read this book until I have some time that I can dedicate to it...otherwise, I'll get absolutely nothing done. Julie's books always suck me in and I find myself riding an emotional roller coaster along with the characters. :) Can't wait though...I know it'll be a good one.

  11. That's definitely one of the reasons why it took me so long to get to it because I knew I wouldn't want to read anything else and I'd get waaay behind with review books! Hope you enjoy!

    XOXO~ Renee


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