Look It's a Freebie!!!!

Hey guys! I know I don't normally post about Kindle freebies since there are already so many great bloggers who do that but I just HAD to tell you about one that I found out about today and that's Sandra Bricker's Always the Wedding Planner, Never the Bride. I have loved each and every book I've read by this author and if you haven't yet had the chance to read her books for yourself now's your chance and you don't haveta spend a red cent (although I'm sure this book is worth at least $15)! Check out the link below (click the cover)...remember it's for a limited time only so if you wait too long you might not be able to take advantage of this great title compliments of Amazon and Abingdon Press.

Happy Reading!!!!


  1. Wahooooooooooooooooooooo! I'm off to grab it. Thanks for the heads up. I hadn't heard.

  2. Awesome! I know you enjoyed the first book in the series so I hope you like this one too!

    XOXO~ Renee

  3. Woo hoo! I LOVE Kindle freebies, don't you!? I check Amazon almost everyday for free books. :) This one was also available on Netgalley and I'm actually reading it now. It's cute so far...

  4. Wow! Even though I don't have a Kindle, this is great for those who do!


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