I Met Some Famous People!

Does that title have you intrigued? Hahaha okay you all know me, I love to read and I love making new friends who share my love of the written word. As a blogger I've gotten a lot of opportunities to meet some of my favorite authors but only online never in person, this past Wednesday that all changed. I had the pleasure of FINALLY meeting one of my favorite authors, Amish fiction and inspirational writer Suzanne Woods Fisher and as a bonus her co-writer on Life with Lily, Mary Ann Kinsinger and their publicist Robin! I was starstruck at first but they made me feel so at ease. Let me tell you, if the rest of my favorite authors are half as friendly as these ladies I want to meet them all! I left with my signed copy of The Keeper (AWESOME book by the way) and Melissa left with some bookmarks for her mom who had originally planned on making it but canceled last minute due to a broken foot.

The trip was definitely well worth it and I hope to do it again soon. Although we live an hour or more away from Cumberland my distant cousin and bestie Melissa and I made a day of it. We had a nice time visiting with Suzanne and one of Melissa's old college friends, doing some shopping as well as looking at the beautiful fall leaves along the ridges.

If you have the chance be sure to check out Suzanne's book tour schedule because she just might be in your area this week! Even if you can't attend a signing you can still follow her on Facebook or her website, check out Mary Ann's blog, and/or enter to win a copy of Life with Lily right here on my blog! Either way I encourage you to check out Suzanne's books, they're worth the read!

Thanks Robin for taking the above photo of Mary Ann, lil ol' me, and Suzanne. Don't we all look cute? :-D

Happy Reading!


  1. Awww, that is a great picture! :) So glad you and Suzanne got to meet - she seems like such a great person (and of course I know YOU are!).


    1. Awww thanks so much, you're too kind! She was sooo nice, I had fun.


  2. Cooool. And you look so cute and happy. FABulous.

  3. Love the picture!! And yes, so many authors are just as nice in person as they are online! Did Suzanne recognize your name already? I'm amazed at how many authors know us bloggers. :)

    1. LOL I'm not quite as big a name in blogging as you so I don't think she recognized me but I felt like we were friends all the same. :-)


    2. Oh pfft! You were the one to get me started, ya know. ;-) I love the warmth and heart of the CBA authors!

  4. That is such an awesome picture! I love it! I'm always a little jealous of bloggers that get to meet authors. ;)


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