A Family Heirloom

Since yesterday was the unofficial start of summer, I thought it was appropriate to post a little bit about something that we all love about the season -- the flowers! I just love all the colorful posies that appear in spring and early summer. Irises, cosmos, and impatiens are some of my favorite blooms but I have a soft spot for roses, especially the roses at my house. I have seen them bloom almost every year for as long as I can remember. My great-grandmother passed before I was born but she had these roses in her flower garden, my grandmother had them in hers, and my mother has them planted outside our house. Hopefully, when I have a home of my own, I'll have a space for these.  

I don't have a clue as to what these roses are called, all I know is that they are very fragrant and very hardy and apparently disease resistant. These past few years the plant was brown with no leaves but this year it's back with green leaves and beautiful, baby pink double roses. I love these plants and always look forward to them every year.

What are some of your favorite flowers? Do you have roses? Do you have any green thumbs in the family? I'd love for you to share in the comments below!


  1. Our roses are blowing up too. I love them. We do nothing to them but for some reason their growing gorgeous this year. Great pics and share.

    1. Thanks, Juju! Roses are great, especially if they don't require a lot of tending LOL!

  2. Your roses are so pretty! They kind of look like David Austin roses. I have some dark pink ones that look very similar and they are so fragrant. I love them!

    My absolute favorite flowers are peonies though. They smell so good too.

    It's so cool that your family has keep the same roses through the years. I hope to pass down some of my flowers when my daughters move out on their own. : )

    1. Thank you, Cathy! I was doing some research on roses and I came across the David Austin roses and you're right, they do look very similar! We have peonies too. They are almost the exact same color as the roses. I never really noticed a fragrance though. Hmmmm.

  3. What beautiful roses, Renee. I love the fact that they have such a rich family heritage for you.

    We have a few rose bushes, but they aren't the prettiest. I don't think Gwynly or I have the touch. We do have lilac and crepe myrtle bushes that do well. And when it comes to grape hyacinth, my guy has a bumper crop. They do so well in our yard that he has to thin them every year.

    1. Thank you , Keli! We don't really have the touch with roses either. Every bush that we've bought from a store or greenhouse has died... maybe I need to send you some root clippings from my rose LOL!


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