Blog Tour: Love's Miracles by Sandra Leesmith + Giveaway+ Free Book Alert!

Love's Miracles
by Sandra Leesmith
Copyright 2013
The Story:
Dr. Margo Devaull came to Dominic Zanelli's mountain retreat confident that she could help this Vietnam veteran overcome the torment that kept him apart from the world. But her training as a psychologist had not prepared her for the tragic, explosive contradictions brewing inside him. For here was a sensitive artist who could be gentle – and a man whose eyes flashed with violence and pain when he told her to leave and never come back. Yet Margo did come back, slowly gain his trust, and awaken the sleeping needs of his heart. Only by reliving her own wounded past and helping Zane confront a terrible memory from the war could she set them both free – and save their last chance for love.

My Thoughts: 
It's not often that I come across books quite like this one. Sure, it's a romance and sure by the end of the story you're left with that warm, fuzzy feeling but what happens in the pages in between is both heart-breaking and thought provoking. While this story is set in the 80s, it also has themes that are very relevant to today, especially with the war in the Middle East.

The hero, Zane, is deeply flawed and his experiences as a chopper pilot during the Vietnam War only add to his complexity as a character. Our heroine, Margo, is a psychologist who's trying to help those veterans suffering from PTSD, has deep-seeded issues of her own going back to her childhood with a father who suffered from and ultimately died because of the same disorder she's now trying to treat. She can't help but see the man behind the pain and comes to care for him much to the chagrin of colleagues and family.

Their story isn't a fluffy, light-hearted romance but as you can imagine one filled with sadness, anger, and intense emotional battles. I really loved that Sandra didn't gloss over the gritty. The pain being felt by the characters fairly oozed off of the page. That said, it is a romance so the sparks and the warm fuzzies are definitely present so if you're a romance fan you won't be disappointed. This is the first book I've read by Sandra and it definitely won't be the last.

~ My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ~

I reviewed a complimentary review copy in exchange for posting my honest opinion of the book for the blog tour.

If you're interested in reading this book you can get it FREE for Kindle today, May 25 through May 27, 2013! CLICK HERE.

To learn more about Sandra and her books, visit her WEBSITE.


Giveaway Details!
(Giveaway for US. Residents Only. One winner will be selected from all entries received during the tour. The winner's name will be posted on the Seasons of Humility blog)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Reading!


  1. I'm really looking forward to this one. Great review.

    1. Thanks, Juju! Can't wait to read what you think!

      Renee C

  2. Hi Renee, Thank you for the wonderful review. And thank you for helping with our blog tour. This is my first blog tour and I'm really having fun. I like your blog. My you've read a lot of books.

    Thanks again.

    1. Hi Sandra! I recognize you from Seekerville. ;-) It was my pleasure to read and review Love's Miracles. Amber did a great job with this tour.

      Renee C

  3. Thanks for the great review, Renee! This one is new to me!

    1. Hi Carrie, Isn't it fun to find new authors? These blog tours are very helpful. I'm learning that I need to follow them more seriously. Thanks to Renee, I'm learning a lot.

    2. Hi Carrie! I hope you have the chance to pick it up this week. It's a freebie on Amazon! ;-)

      Renee C

  4. I love your review, Renee, and so appreciate your time and your thoughtful critique! Thank you so much!!

    AND... Thank you for your inspiration! Observing your blog tours with Sandra Byrd has been a big help to me. :) You rock!


    1. Amber, this is turning out to be so fun. I'm glad Renee helped you with this idea. Thanks again, Renee.

    2. Awww shucks, y'all are making me blush! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for asking me to be a part of this tour! I had fun!

      Renee C

  5. Hi, Renee! Love's Miracles blog tour is the first blog tour I've participated in. I'm visiting with the other bloggers. I enjoyed reading your review....painful at times to read this book, but still a warm love story. I'll be back another time!

    1. Waving at Sherida. Thanks so much for your support Sherida and Renee.

  6. Great review Renee! Like Sherida, I'm stopping by all of the bloggers participating in Sandra's blog tour. Have really enjoyed seeing everyone's thoughts on Love's Miracles and enjoyed reading the interviews that Sandra participated in.

  7. I love your review! I've only read a small portion of the story, but I can definitely agree that while the grittiness is there, it's necessary. You've got me anxious to finish it! ;)

  8. Hi Renee, Thank you so much for participating in my first blog tour. It has been interesting. I appreciate you featuring Love's Miracles on your lovely blog.

    Thanks again and happy reading.


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