Review and Giveaway: The Silent Stars Go By (Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Book Collection, Book 11) by Dan Abnett

The Silent Stars Go By
(Book 11)
by Dan Abnett
Copyright 2011, 2013
ISBN: 9781849905176
As a Whovian, I'm always looking to get my hands on the latest and most exciting products in the Who-niverse and I'm so happy to say that the books I've read in the 50th Anniversary collection are stellar! All the new Who-related things coming out this year that I've bought or received to review rock. The latest "product" being the last book in the 11 book series entitled The Silent Stars Go By which features the current Doctor as portrayed by Matt Smith and his recently departed companions Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

If you're at all a fan of the series you know that in recent years every winter the BBC has aired a Christmas special featuring the Doctor and his companions on an intergalactic, super-sized, Christmas themed adventure. The Silent Stars Go By is a Christmas special but in the form of a book -- and it's a wonderful, fun, fast-paced book to boot! It's perfect to take with you in your beach bag or to just snuggle under the sheets with.

The Silent Stars Go By begins, as most things that the Doctor is a part of -- with a bang. We're not talking Big Bang 2 as in the conclusion of series 5 but nevertheless, it's certainly an adventure. With Rory and Amy at the helm of the TARDIS along with the Doctor you might expect some fussing and nattering on between the Ponds and this book certainly has that, lending to an authentic Doctor Who feel. If you loved the brave and loyal Rory or bossy Amy and are missing them since their departure mid-season last year, then this is certainly a book to read.

The Silent Stars Go By 
on my shelf. :)
Along with the Doctor and the Ponds, an old foe of the Doctor's as well as some new (and creepy!) creations made this one interesting story. I wasn't prepared to meet Transrats (shivers) let alone the Transhumans. They lent a new twist to the story that I did not see coming! The Doctor was not trying to protect Hereafter from one threat but many! The Silent Stars Go By is a really clever tale featuring an old alien race from the original series. What's really great is, if you want more adventures with the Doctor and the Ice Warriors they were brought back and revamped for an episode earlier this year.

For those who are Whovians or for those yet to be introduced to the Doctor and his many companions, I recommend giving this book a try. With loads of action and witty dialogue The Silent Stars Go By is my favorite Doctor Who book to date. If you're like me you're counting down the days until the 50th anniversary episode in November and you're in need of a Doctor Who fix. Reruns of the show, this book, and I'm sure the others in the series; are just what the doctor ordered to tide us Whovians over until then.

Back Cover Blurb:
The winter festival is approaching for the hardy colony of Morphans, but no one is in the mood to celebrate. They're trying to build a new life on a cold new world, but each year gets harder and harder. It's almost as if some dark force is working against them. Then three mysterious travelers arrive out of the midwinter night, one of them claiming to be a doctor. Are they bringing the gift of salvation or doom? And what else might be lurking out there, about to wake up?

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars ~

*I received a complimentary copy of this book for review from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.*

~ To read more about the book or to order a copy The Silent Stars Go By, go HERE.

~ Follow Doctor Who BBC Books on Twitter!

 ~ Read what other's on the TLC Book Tour are saying about the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary collection books HERE.

Check out this clip from the current series of Doctor Who where the Doctor meets a rather intimidating Ice Warrior!


Open Internationally

Enter to win one brand new copy of The Silent Stars Go By by Dan Abnett courtesy of TLC Book Tours and BBC Books! If you have any difficulties with the form please feel free to email me at steelergirl83(at)gmail(dot)com.

Happy Reading!


  1. Would love to win this for a Whovian I know. :)

  2. Would love to win this! Almost bought it the other day in the store, but I opted to but the 4th Doctor book instead. It was a tough decision, though!

  3. I have been wanting to read this since I first saw it but I wasn't sure how good it would be so I'm quite happy to discover that it's good! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  4. The covers are amazing! It would be awesome to win this.

  5. I love the Christmas specials. It would be awesome to get an extra one this year!

  6. Love everything Whovian and I'm really missing the Ponds, so this sounds like a great read!

  7. I only found out about this book tour today. Not sure how I missed it, but I'm going to have to get my hands on some of these books to pass the time between now and the 50th anniversary episode. Thanks for this awesome giveaway.

  8. It looks like a blast! I'm so excited to read the stories and see the 50th after all this time.

  9. Thank you for hosting this great giveaway, Renee! I will post this in my blog's sidebar.

  10. I love Doctor Who! This sounds like ana amazing story, thank you for the international giveaway :)

  11. I'm a huge Doctor Who fan but haven't read any of the books yet ... looks like I'm really missing out!

    Thanks for being on the tour. I'm featuring your review on TLC's Facebook page today.

  12. I love The Ice Warriors and would love to win a copy of this book!


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