Spring Has Sprung at Clash of the Titles!


Spring Has Sprung!

And so have these brand new must-read Christian novels.
Clash of the Titles brings you five novels of every variety. There's something for everyone! Enjoy these blurbs, then scroll to vote and help send your favorite novel to COTT's annual Laurel Award.

But first, a shout-out to Diana Montgomery who is the WINNER of our March Book-bundle Giveaway. Woot! Diana, the authors of the following three novels will be contacting you shortly:

Heaven's Prey by Janet Sketchley
God's Daughter by Heather Day Gilbert
Ryan's Father by June Foster

When Annie Whitaker and her merchant father set out for CaƱon City and the Pikes-Peak-or-Bust gold rush, Annie finds much greater wealth in the heart of a runaway preacher. Will her love change that preacher's view of women—and God—and help him on his way back to faith and love?

Acclaimed New York artist, Naomi Boyd, and music therapist, Keith Wilson, used to be in love until a root of bitterness between their Irish grandparents separated them. Then a letter from Keith’s grandmother, Ruth, draws Naomi to Londonderry, only to find she’s too late—Ruth has passed on, leaving a mysterious painting in the attic that stirs up questions about the entwined past of Naomi's and Keith's grandparents and their own broken romance.

Plus-sized woman seeks validation in small-minded man. After betraying a friendship when seeking this validation, Ava spirals into a depression and continued self-destruction until she turns to God for help.

Nissa, a sharp-tongued Jewish girl with a deadly secret, and Longinus, a Roman centurion, are unexpectedly caught up in the arrest, trial, and crucifixion of Jesus. As danger closes in on them from every side, they must decide if the mercy Jesus offers is real or just another false promise.

Ellie's perfect life is suddenly knocked off center when her drool-worthy boyfriend cheats and her always-has-it-together mother is diagnosed with cancer. Through her heartache, Ellie learns that sometimes what seems like the end is really just the beginning and that what God has for her is always worth the wait.

Enjoy the blurbs?
Click on the images to purchase on Amazon!
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Happy Reading!


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