Stormy Weather 2010: Part II

Here are some more pictures I took yesterday and today of the icicles outside my window! The first photo was taken yesterday before I broke off some of the biggest pieces. Today when I looked out, the broken icicles were back!!!

Notice the wasp climbing on the icicle in the last pic! He was on the inside of the window but I thought it looked like he was on the icicle! I guess the wasp siting means that Spring will be hear soon...I hope!


  1. oh my gosh! Those things are huge!! I took some pictures of our snow will laugh when you see them. ;) Especially since what little snow we did get pretty much brought our town to a halt. :D

  2. You've got new curtains! They're pretty, but a little cold... ;o)

    We had one ice storm when I lived in MD where they formed on trees and power lines. It was eerie looking when it was frozen - but once the temps came down a little it was dangerous. They were huge and crashed down on top of people, cars...

  3. Look at those icicles--they are HUGE! These photos are dramatic.

  4. WOW! Nice pix! Except for the wasp...those things creep me out. *shudder*

  5. Thanks you guys! I stole my little brother's camera to take the pics and when he came looking for his camera I broke one of the icicles off and threatened him with it!

    Just kidding! He let me use it!

    Thank you Ri for the use of the camera! :-P

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. Oh Wow! Nice pictures, Renee;~)I would have pelted that wasp with enough Raid to burn a whole through the glass!LOL :~D

    We just got like 6" of snow here in Ga. Biggest snow fall in 13 yrs, so says the weather man. But I can't for spring either:~D LOL
    Love Ya,


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