My Favorite Old School TV Shows!

Only two more days till Friday! Yay! Well Friday's for me are a bit different than when I was a kid. I remember gathering around the TV with the fam watching TGIF! I know a lot of you are a little bit younger than I am so you probably don't remember some of the great shows that I looked forward to watching on Friday nights! So to give you a taste of what you missed or to bring back fond memories for you "older" folks like me, here are some clips of my favorite TV shows. Most were on ABC Friday nights at some point and some weren't but they are still faves of mine!

Family Matters: A clip featuring my favorite character, Steve Urkel!

Step by Step: Clip featuring sisters Dana, Karen, Al, their brother Mark, and the ever hilarious Cody!

Teen Angel: Does anyone else remember this show? It only lasted for 1 season but I loved it!

Clueless: This episode of Clueless featured 'NSYNC!!!! I loved them and think I can still sing every song from memory!

Hangin' with Mr. Cooper: I wish I had a teacher like Mr. Cooper, this guy was hilarious!

Boy Meets World: Mr. FEENY!

Now that you've seen some of my favorite shows, what are some of you favorites?


  1. Oh my goodness, TGIF was the hightlihgt of my week when I was a kid. My parents and I would always watch Full House, Step by Step and Family Matters! Another all time fave of mine is Saved by the Bell. Now, as a "grown up," I own all the episodes on DVD! :)

  2. I used to love the Facts of Life.

  3. Hahaha Sara! I didn't really watch Saved by the Bell when I was younger but once I got a little it older I learned to love it too!

    Carol I've never heard of the Facts of LIfe...I'll have to look it up!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. I use to watch a lot of these shows..loved Step by Step. I vaguely remember the Teen Angle one. Don't think I saw Clueless though. I use to love Perfect Strangers..did you ever see that one?? Oh, and how about My Two Dads??

  5. Ohmygish I LOVED Perfect Strangers! Balky was hilarious! I've never seen my Two Dads though! I'll have to look tht one up too! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. Aaaaaand Sabrina the Teenage Witch! Love it!

  7. lol..Loved Balky. I can't believe you never heard of The Facts of Life. That totally makes me feel old! lol I use to watch it and loved it. Had a catchy theme song too. But you know most of the older shows had really catchy theme songs. *sigh* The good old days. ;)

  8. I vaguely remember Boy Meets World - well enough to know I liked it, anyway!

  9. YES! I loved Salem the best...but what's not to love about a talking cat?!

    Haha yeah those old shows definitely had some catchy theme songs!

    Hi Laura! Thanks for visiting! I pretty much grew up with Boy Meets World, Full House and all those shows...those were the days :-P

    XOXO~ Renee

  10. Great topic, Renee!

    As some of you may, or may not know, I grew up w/o a TV. The only time we got to watch anything was when we were at my Grandma's. My parents still don't have a TV!

    My fave shows were:

    The Facts of Life
    Full House
    Saved By the Bell
    Family Matters
    Scooby Doo
    Transformers (the cartoon)
    Leave It to Beaver
    I Dream of Jeannie

    All-time faves! ~

    Dukes of Hazzard
    Knight Rider
    Simon & Simon (LOVED IT!)
    The A-team

    I'm sure there were more, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. :)


  11. Renee, I am older than you, so some of the shows I really enjoyed are really old! Like I Love Lucy, The Brady Bunch, The Partridge Family, and Welcome Back, Kotter! See what I mean?!

  12. Fond memories are coming back.....a little slowly.LOL
    I remember watching a lot of Growing Pains . And then a lot of Boy Meets World(you've got to love Mr.Feeny!), Step-by-step if it happened to be on and The Nanny (LOVED that show)*sniffles* There just aren't a ton of good shows on TV today, like they had 10 yrs. ago.
    Love Ya,

  13. Hahaha actually Suko I have heard of those because those are the one's my parents grew up watching!

    Lori, I have heard of and wathced most of the shows on your first list but from the second I've only seen Dukes of Hazard and Knight Rider...I loved KITT! LOL!

    XOXO~ Renee

  14. WOW! Guess I'm showing my age as well. Oops! ;)

  15. Ummmm hello!?!? Family Matters, Step by Step, Saved by the Bell, Boy Meets World(!!!!!!!!), Growing Pains, The Nanny (Ashely mentioned this), Full House, Sabrina the Teenage Witch!!!!!!!! Woooooo! Girl, you are bringing back some memories *grin*

    Thanks SO much for the flashback *wink*

  16. Some of my favorites are:
    The Facts of Life
    Leave It to Beaver
    I Dream of Jeannie
    Dukes of Hazzard
    Knight Rider
    Simon & Simon (LOVED IT!)
    The A-team
    And my all-time favotites as a teenager are;
    American Banstand
    Dark Shadows
    What great memories-WOW!


  17. Oh, does this bring back memories. I loved the TGIF lineup! Always watched them. There was also The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Blossom, etc. I definitely miss those shows.

  18. Renee Quotes: I have heard of and wathced most of the shows on your first list but from the second I've only seen Dukes of Hazard and Knight Rider...I loved KITT! LOL!

    LOL You must have fantaste with cars like KITT.

    Renee quote: Ohmygish I LOVED Perfect Strangers! Balky was hilarious! I've never seen my Two Dads though! I'll have to look tht one up too! :-)

    I agreed! He is so funny..

    You guys is trying refresh my memory here.
    My favorites is The Partridge Family, Family Ties, Growing pains, MacGyver, plus more....

  19. Hahaha Hannah I think I've heard of all those shows...but then again I think we're pretty close in age :-P

    Michelle- I LOVE the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! Fun stuff!

    Rbooth- Some of those older shows like Leave it to BEaver and Bewitched I've seen just because they are on TV Land! My favorites of the "really old shows" are Sanford and Son (Aunt Estehr is hilarious) and I Love Lucy!

    Terri- Haha you know I am totally obsessed with cool cars! Even though KITT was a Firebird TA and not a Mustang it was still cool!

    XOXO~ Renee


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