Christian Fiction Review: Mine is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs

by Liz Curtis Higgs
Copyright 2011
Waterbrook Press
464 pages
ISBN: 9781400070022
Historical Fiction

My Review:
When Elizabeth and Marjory Kerr lose everything they own to the Jacobite cause, they have no choice but to leave the lives they knew for a village in Selkirk, Scotland. Along the way they encounter King George’s dragoons who are searching for anyone who may have been loyal to bonny Prince Charlie to imprison, torture, or worse. Once safely arrived in Selkirk, still unsure of what their new life will bring, they must face yet another potential loss, their faithful manservant, Gibson.

Elizabeth and Marjory learn to rely on the one constant in their life – their God. With the aid of a distant cousin, the ladies learn to scrape by, and with seemingly no hope of attaining the wealth they once had. However, the arrival of a handsome and wealthy bachelor could mean a life that is beyond Elizabeth’s wildest imagination. As faithful servants of God, they just may reap His rewards.

From the beautiful cover to the rich details on the pages in-between, Mine is the Night is a real treasure. Where Here Burns My Candle (the prequel to Mine Is The Night) was a bit depressing, with Elizabeth Kerr and her mother-in-law, Marjory, facing so much loss, Mine is the Night is a story of redemption and true love. Anytime you pick up a Liz Curtis Higgs’ novel you can expect something epic and this is no disappointment.

I don’t know much about Jacobite Scotland, but the details that the author provides for the reader are great in helping understand the background of the story. These details alone really showcase Liz’s dedication to research without overwhelming those who are unfamiliar with the setting. Also if you’re not fluent in Scottish dialogue, the glossary is a huge help.

While faith is central to most of the story I don’t think it’s “preachy” in the least. I loved the scripture notations and how they pertained to the story. Faith is also intricately woven into the dialogue. I also absolutely loved the quotes that prefaced each chapter from the likes of Aristotle, Virgil, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Each and every one fit so nicely with each chapter and alluded to what was to come. Mine is the Night is a must read for Christian fiction fans everywhere. I really don’t know how she is going to top it!

This review was edited by Lara Van Hulzen, Radiant Lit

To learn more about the author visit:

*I received my copy from the publisher through their Blogging for Books program. I was not obligated to provide a positive review.*

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  1. Stellar review, Renee! I rushed right over;) Fun to think we were reading this at the same time. It's my fav book this year by a mile and like you, don't know how she's going to top it. But knowing Liz, she will! Bless you bunches for spreading the word about such a wonderful read!

  2. Oh, great review, Renee! I'm looking forward to this one! :)

  3. I'm sqealing over here! Don't ya love it when you read an awesome review for a book sitting on your shelf? I can't wait to read it now.

    But tell me, do you think I need to read Here Burns My Candle before I read this one? I have them both, but haven't read either yet.

    I'd prefer to skip over depressing if possible, but will I be lost? Is Mine is the Night a stand alone?

  4. I think I'd really enjoy reading this book. I need to find a way to work in time for the printed word.

  5. I never could make it through the first one, but I might have to give it another chance since everyone is raving over this one, including you! And congrats to your new digs over at Radiant Lit..I really like their site. :o)

  6. Like Christy, I never finished the first one either–and I'm not one to give up on a book easily. But all these rave reviews for the second book... maybe I should reconsider!

  7. Awesome review, Renee!! I tried to read one of her older books a few years back, but it was kinda dry or something. It sounds like this one was a lot better!!

  8. @ Laura- She's so talented isn't she? I love how well informed she is about Scotland. :-)

    @ Ruth- I hope you like it, have you read Here Burns My Candle?

    @ Joy- tweeted ya about HBMC

    Joey- I really enjoyed this and if you get the chance I hope you can read it.

    @ Christy- I'll admit I didn't like the first one as much as this one either. I loved RL too so when they asked me if I'd like to review with them I was thrilled. Thanks for the congrats. :-)

    Kate- I hope you're not disappointed :-)

    @ Carrie- I tried her older series and I didn't like it much either but I did like this so I hope you do too!

    XOXO~ Renee


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