This is a Doctor Who Post...

If you've been on the Internet at all today I'm sure you probably saw mentioned the latest Doctor Who news -- we have a new Doctor! Usually, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to the actors that the Doctor Who showrunners choose but I kind of saw this one coming! As much as I adore Matt Smith, the eleventh Doctor, I'm so thrilled to see an older, more mature actor fill the beloved role. I LOVED Peter Capaldi in BBC's The Hour (don't get me started on how I feel about THAT series getting cut short) so I really think he has the chops to play Doctor. Even though Capaldi's considerably older than when Smith first appeared on the screen as a Time Lord, I don't think it's going to take much to get used to him. However, it's not going to be pretty at Black 'n Gold Girl's house when the Doctor regenerates, I've become quite attached to the awkward, clumsy, Matt Smith Doctor. I'm just so happy that the stress of not knowing who Twelve was going to be is over with, now we Whovians just have to save our strength to make it until the 50th anniversary specials! Between Who and Sherlock the BBC sure does know how to test us, don't they?! *le sigh*

Here's the big reveal in case you missed it!

To read more about the new Doctor visit BBC America's website:


  1. Excellent Reveal, Renee! I look forward to watching the new Doctor Who!

  2. I am so VERY VERY HAPPY about this casting choice!! :) :)

    R.I.P. The Hour...


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