Oh Happy Day -- Lost Classic Doctor Who Episodes Re-Discovered!

I've read a bunch of rumors in the past few years of missing Doctor Who stories being recovered in strange or unusual places only to be disappointed that there wasn't any truth in them. The last few days I've been reading that hundreds of lost episodes have been found in Nigeria and told myself not to get too excited. Thankfully it was partially true and two classic Who stories, "The Enemy of the World" and "The Web of Fear", have been rediscovered and have been remastered and will be available for purchase on iTunes on October 11th! Have I mentioned how excited I am?! SQUEE! I have really enjoyed all the classic stories that I have seen so far and have faith that I will love these two new ones as well! I've posted a trailer and clip from the BBC below, to read more about the discovery, visit the BBC America site HERE.

What do you think? I think it looks and sounds like the Beeb did a great job remastering these and I cannot wait to get my hands on a DVD. Please make it happen BBC!

Happy Viewing!


  1. That's wonderful, Renee! I know how much you adore the show.

  2. Thanks for stopping by. Can you tell I'm excited? :-)


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