Christian Fiction Review: In Every Heartbeat by Kim Vogel Sawyer

In Every Heartbeat
by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Copyright 2010
Bethany House Publishers
352 pages
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0510-1
Historical Fiction

From the publisher:
Three best friends, three cherished dreams, three searching hearts...

As three friends who grew up in the same orphanage head off to college together, they each harbor a special plan for the future. Libby Conley hopes to become a famous journalist. Pete Leidig believes God has called him to study to become a minister. And Bennett Martin plans to pledge a fraternity, find a place to belong, and have as much fun as possible. But as tensions rise around the world on the brink of World War I, the friends' differing aspirations and opinions begin to divide them, as well.

When Libby makes a shocking discovery about Pete's family, will it drive a final wedge between the friends or bond them in ways they never anticipated?

My Review:
Kim Vogel Sawyer has written some wonderful stories these past few years, it's easy to see why she's made a name for herself as a top Christian fiction author. With her knack for telling sweet stories with faith and love at the heart I always find her books to be enjoyable reads and recommend them to those who love romance.

Her latest book, In Every Heartbeat takes place in the early part of the 20th century with three very different characters who are coming of age and attending university. While Kim's naturally easy paced style is present and her characters making some tough choices I just could not connect with the characters. Libby Conley, the heroine just seemed immature to me. With jealousy and campus antics it all seemed a bit juvenile and not something I was expecting from three orphans who had to "grow up" fast. However, I will say this, as the story progressed Libby did seem to mature but I was kind of left hanging as to what happened with Bennett.

I was never bored with the story and was very interested in the lives of the Leidig family and hope to see more of them in the future. I would like to see them as adults and see what they did with their lives and what they made of themselves. I love the themes of this story including that love and God are always with us in our hearts.

To learn more about the author visit:
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*I received my complimentary review copy from Bethany House in exchange for posting my honest review.*


  1. Great review, Renee! Pretty much my sentiments exactly. :)


  2. Great review. I don't think I've read anything quite like that before. Thanks for sharing about it.

    I also have to add on a side note that I think about you all the time since we moved. It seems that this must be the Mustang capital. We even play a version of "punch bug" only with Mustangs instead. lol

  3. Renee, thank you for taking the time to read and review IN EVERY HEARTBEAT. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Take care and God bless!

  4. I read this one and I really enjoyed it. I hope her next book will tell us what happens with Bennett. Great review. :)

  5. Hey Amber! Thanks for chatting with me about this book earlier. :-)

    @Lee I'm so jealous! I've seen nary a Mustang for many days could be that it's snowing out LOL

    @Juju- Hope you like it if you give it a shot.

    @ Kim- Thank you so much for visiting. I'm really excited for Courting Miss Amsel.

    @Angie- Thanks a bunch! I wanna see what happens next too! LOL

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. I really need to give her another chance. She is an author that I started and never really got into... I have it here to read though...


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