A Woman of Fortune: A Texas Gold Novel by Kellie Coates Gilbert (My Review)

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A Woman of Fortune 
(Texas Gold, Book 1)
by Kellie Coates Gilbert
Copyright 2014
Revell Books
ISBN: 9780800722722

The Story:
Texas socialite Claire Massey is living the dream--designer clothes, luxury cars, stunning homes. But everything comes crashing down when her charming cattle broker husband is arrested for fraud. Suddenly she finds herself facing attorneys, a media frenzy, and a trail of broken hearts. Betrayed and humiliated, Claire must face incredible odds to save her family--and discover a life worth living. 

Author Kellie Coates Gilbert delivers a story both poignant and emotionally gripping that celebrates the kind of fortune that lasts.

To learn more about the book, visit the Revell website.

My Thoughts:
I'm a snob. OK, not really. I like to think when it comes to real life I'm a nice person, but when it comes to my books I tend to root for the underdog or the down and out characters. Characters born with silver spoons in their mouths, who look down on others aren't that interesting to me. After having read the first few chapters of A Woman of Fortune, I really felt no sympathy for the characters at all and I was prepared to throw in the towel. A billionaire with spoiled brat children who takes part in fraud and Ponzi-like schemes to bilk hard working people out of their life savings in order to keep up extravagant lifestyles? Yeeeesh... not my cup of tea.

Thankfully, Claire Massey's story quickly turned from a sob story of losing all her husband's ill begotten wealth to one of a woman learning to cope with losing her family, friends, and all those she held dear. I can't imagine what it would be like to be alienated from everyone, through no faulty of my own, which is exactly what Claire had to face. If you can get past the first few chapters and put up with Lainie aka Princess (yeah, really), Claire's story will really grab a hold of you.

I'm not sure how I felt about the conclusion of A Woman of Fortune since so many things were left unanswered concerning the Massey family as well as Claire's friend, Brian. The ending seemed a little bit rushed. Hopefully, questions will be answered in the future as this book is part of a new series from the author. *Fingers crossed* because I really liked Brian and would like to see where things head with Lainie after the disastrous relationships that she suffered through.

~ My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars ~

*I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.

Happy Reading!


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