Football Season!!!!!

I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! The official start to the NFL football season is almost upon us and the start of the Pittsburgh Steelers training camp today has me pumped!! I love my Steelers, as you can tell from the title of my blog, and was thrilled when the Steelers extended Tight End Heath Miller's contract for 5 more years. He's my favorite player on the team hence the "83" in my blog address (soooo happy he didn't leave so I didn't have to change that number LOL)! I always seem to gravitate towards the players who get the job done but aren't necessarily the most recognized players on the team (kinda like the underdog hero in books). To me football is about playing your heart out NOT running your mouth off or trying to get recognized. I think Heath is such a good example of a great player, and is someone I wouldn't mind my brother looking up to.

What's your favorite sport? What do you think of sports "heroes" today? Are there any worth looking up to? I'd love to hear what you think! Please leave a post in the comment section.

Hey girls (guys too!) have any of you ever participated in Fantasy Football? It's something I've never done but as a devoted football fan I really want to do it, any recommendations for fantasy football sites?


  1. I love sports too, but never got into football. I'm a basketball fan, so I follow the NBA. I have definitely had my sport heroes. I'm from Utah so I've always loved my Utah Jazz and in the nineties we had Stockton and Malone! They were awesome and I miss them like crazy. But I don't know how good it is to look up to sport heroes. Most are pretty selfish and only in it for the money. I can't believe how many get thrown in jail for whatever! But there are still a few out there with something to look up to! I will root for your Steelers!

  2. I know it seems that you hear more about players getting into trouble off the playing field, basketball court or whatever than scoring points for the team or doing good. It's a shame but there are some out there that are contributing to society so to speak. Thanks for replying I enjoyed what you had to say. When I was younger I loved Michael Jordan so much I was soooo mad when my Mom didn't name my little brother Michael LOL! Thanks for rooting for the Steelers!


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