Note From a Postcard Collector!

I have bloggers block so I'm posting this a day early. I'll try to think of something interesting to post Friday and who knows I might share some more of my "finds."

In keeping with last Friday's post, Note From a Book Collector and at Carrie's (from In the Hammock Blog) request ;-) I'm going to share some of my very favorite postcards. Most are used so they have neat messages and a lot of them have local postmarks! They are dated 1909-1912.

If you're not familiar with postcards here's a link to a helpful site.

This is a cute baseball themed postcard.

The postcard on the left is very patriotic, it even incorporates the famous "cherry tree" theme! The postcard on the right is an Easter card from overseas.

A very pretty "Happy Birthday" greeting is on the top and a Christmas themed card featuring a pretty kitty.

If you click on the picture you will see it says "There is a woman in the case." (Sorry for the glare from the camera's flash)

Short and sweet message.


  1. Hahaha, any insight into why the woman is in the case?!

  2. Neat postcards! I have been collecting postcards, but only the modern ones, I haven't even thought of "antique" postcards. Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Me too Juju!

    Hahaha Rachel, your guess is as good as mine!

    Thanks Casey for stopping by, let me know if you get any neat antique cards!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. What a great idea for a collection! These are just wonderful!

  5. Those are very cool!

    During my teenage years, I had been pals from all over, mostly Europe though. I have a ton of postcards from them.

  6. What a neat site! So glad you stopped by my place today.

    Blessings with that bloggers' block!!!



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