Teaser Tuesday!

MizB @ Should Be Reading hosts Teaser Tuesday every week at her blog! This gives everyone the opportunity to share a few lines from a new book they're reading or one of their old favorites.

Here are the rules for Teaser Tuesday!
1. Grab your current read.
2. Let the book fall open to a random page.
3. Share two teaser sentences from that page, somewhere between lines 7 & 12.
4. Share the title of the book that the “teaser” comes from, so people can find the book if they like the teaser.
5. PLEASE avoid spoilers!!!!!

This week I've chosen a teaser from a book that I will be reading and reviewing within the next few weeks, Jenna's Cowboy by Sharon Gillenwater.

Jenna's Cowboy (The Callahans of Texas, Book 1)
by Sharon Gillenwater
Copyright 2010
Revell Publishers
330 pages
ISBN: 978-0-8007-3353-7
Contemporary Romance

Teaser from page 169:

"'Jenna, just to be clear on this--I don't want to go out with anyone else.' He hesitated a second. 'And I hope you don't want to, either.'"

Be sure to visit MizB to read other great teasers!


  1. Renee - I LOVE that cover! Talk about eyes ~ I couldn't even read the teaser...

  2. Jenna's cowboy is one handsome dude!

  3. I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. to read this book! I've got a couple of others to review first though. :(

    Love, love, LOVE the cover! I think it was the first one I used for "My Favorite Cover" post. Mmmm-mmmmmmmm!

    Great teaser. :p

  4. Am I the only person who didn't like the guy on the cover? LOL he does have fine eyes though!

    XOXO~ Renee

  5. He was right to the point! Here is my teaser.

  6. He sounds like a doll.

  7. Great teaser...going to have to check this book out. :D BTW, I'm with you, Renee, not that crazy about the guy on the cover.


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