New Clips: Jane Eyre (2011)

As I posted late last year one of my very favorite books, Jane Eyre is being remade yet again for the big screen. If you're a follower of news of the film like I am you've probably been disappointed in the lack of clips and sneak peeks other than the original teaser trailer release a few months ago. Well thanks to Charley Brown @ Enchanted Serenity of Period Films blog I learned last night that there were two brand new clips one being the very swoonworthy scene right after Jane saves Rochester from being burned in his bed!!!! If that scene is any indication for the rest of the movie, I think it's going to be awesome! Check it out below and see for yourself.

Doesn't Michael Fassbender have the dreamiest voice?!

I didn't post the other clip since I figured out the load time of this blog with a lot of videos is reaaaaally slow but you can go HERE to check that one out.


  1. Renee, My Toby version of JE died about an hour in so I'm left hanging:( It was a very worn library copy. But I've read the novel more than once and it is a FAV:) I can't wait to see your clip here, guess I'll wait for the Fassbender version. However...I think Richard Armitage would make THE perfect Mr. Rochester, don't you agree?!

  2. ooooooo I can not wait.
    And his voice is dreamy!

  3. Oh no! I am so mad that your library copy didn't work for you, we would have had so much fun discussing that movie! Oh well I hope we can get to see this version but it's only being released in select cities from what I can tell. :-( I'm afraid that RA wouldn't have made the best Mr. Rochester, he certainly has the voice but he's too good looking LOL! Thank you for stopping by today!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. Good point! He IS too handsome and Mr. R is supposed to be somewhat unappealing. How I forget that in the light of the RA syndrome:)! I'm afraid I'm ruined for life after watching N&S as nothing else will do!

  5. Laura you just made me laugh so hard with your comment! I believe our entire little group of bloggers may just be ruined for life! Who started this anyways?? :-P

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. Hi Renee!

    You know what I realized today? I don't think I've ever stopped by your blog and said hi, so I wanted to correct that terrible oversight. And what a post to stop by for!

    Ruth over at Booktalk told me they were making a new version of JE for theaters and I was so excited! Even though I can't dream of someone outshining Toby for this role, Michael does have a very dreamy voice :) Other than a few unnecessary scenes in the Toby version, I thought it a fantastic movie! When I saw the trailer for this new one I thought it was a bit darker but intriguing nonetheless. I've been trying to find clips for this so thanks for sharing an elusive sneak peek here!

    Your blog is so cool! Love the design and will make sure to stop by again soon! :)


    P.S. - Happy that I've been making you laugh with my comments lately ;-)

  7. Hey Amanda it's so great to see you here! You're always so bright and sunny! Thanks for mentioning my design, I really struggled with it last year to get it just right so I appreciate your kind words.

    I just added the link to another new scene from the upcoming JE's pretty good but I think I like the Toby Stephens/Ruth Wilson proposal scene better.

    XOXO~ Renee

  8. This looks like such a great movie! Too bad we don't all live close enough to do a mega-girls' night out to go see it. Thanks for sharing the clips. I think I saw this mentioned on your blog last year way before I saw any clips around. You must really keep your nose to the ground, Renee!

  9. OK, ladies...can't wait for this one!! So the 2006 JE is the best version. I googled it, now I will have to hit the library soon.

    Thanks for sharing the clips. I wonder if any theatres around here will play this one.

    OK, maybe I will have to pull some of Bronte's books out again. It would be great to see a new Wuthering Heights version.

  10. I know Renee! A girl's night out would be sooo awesome...I'm not holding my breath that this is playing around here though. :-(

    Julia, did you see the Wuthering Heights that was on Masterpiece a few years back? It was pretty good!

    Let me know what you think of JE if you get to watch it!

    XOXO~ Renee

  11. Awww, thank you Renee :) And, I don't think anyone could beat Toby and Ruth's proposal scene! I get teary every time I see it and I think it was just so perfect that it ruined me for any other!


  12. No, I have not seen that version of Wuthering Heights. Maybe I will have to have a Bronte fest. I've been meaning to read The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The Professor and Agnes Grey. I need to make more time for classics :)

  13. Hey Julia! I have to say that I didn't like the version of Wildfell Hall that I watched and can you believe I've never read The Professor and Agnes Grey??!! I know, right? I guess i need to make more time for the classics too!

    Amanda I totally agree with you! It was pretty much perfect!

    XOXO~ Renee


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