Season of Love Blog Party Day 7: Special Guest Laura Frantz + Giveaway!

Throughout my journey as reader, reviewer and blogger I've met a lot of great people. Some of them you've already met if you've been visiting each site on the Seasons of Love party/blog hop this week. They are all prolific bloggers and great friends. I've also been blessed enough to meet some great authors who have also become friends, including Laura Frantz, author of The Frontiersman's Daughter, Courting Morrow Little and the upcoming book, The Colonel's Lady. I don't know how she does it but in between her family, and writing books she also maintains a great website with interesting posts on everything from history to writing and devotions. I think if you visit her site you'll be a follower for life! Without further ado here's Laura Frantz!

Interview with author Laura Frantz

1.)What is your favorite romance story? besides your own of course. ;-)

It must be the writer in me but the first thing I think of are romantic literary couples. :-) Think Katie O'Connor and Luke. Charity and Mitch. Faith and Collin. Marguerite and Trip. Rachel and Rand. Jack and Ruth. And then there's Lael and Ian…Morrow and Red Shirt… I'm sure you could add to the list! Not to mention the classic couples like Darcy and Elizabeth and Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester.

This may sound a bit grim for Valentine's Day but I've always been touched by real-life couples who have been married a very long time and then die within days of each other. I like to think they had such a deep affection that they couldn't be
without each other.

2.) Do you have a favorite romantic movie?

Ah, Renee, you well know! :-) Until last August it was The Last of the Mohicans but now it is the one and only North and South! I'm afraid no other film will ever measure up nor will there ever be a hero like John (heartbreak) Thornton/Richard Crispin Armitage. The balcony scene where Margaret throws her arms around his neck…the Northbound train kiss…the moment their fingers touch over teacups. Sigh. I could go on and on. And I thank you readers for introducing me to him!

3.) Favorite love song?

This is going to brand me an old woman, I'm afraid. Ever heard of Bryan Adams? He had some incredibly romantic songs way back when, when I was - uh, your age:-). But I have to say the most romantic- sounding songs I've ever heard are played on the fiddle or violin. Songs like Ashokan Farewell and the music of master fiddlers in centuries past.

4.) The ultimate romantic getaway locale?

Hmmm - this one has come up a lot lately… I'd have to say SCOTLAND once again. Those Scottish heroes in their kilts and that Gaelic lilt woo one like nothing else:-)! Unless it could be all that Cadbury chocolate down south in England… Stay tuned for my Scottish hero in The Ballantyne Legacy. I hope you'll fall head over heels!

5.) What do you love most about being a writer?

Writing romantic scenes. Truly, when you're a writer you just stay in love all the time - with your husband, your current hero/characters, and the author of true romance, our Lord and Savior. I also have to mention hearing from readers is such a privilege and a joy. No one ever says the same thing about how a book has touched them. That's the beauty of writing inspirational fiction. There's a sacred element involved in that the Lord ministers to people through the written word in very personal ways. I'm always a bit awed by that.

6.) Can you share a favorite romantic scene from one of your books or one that was edited out?

Ready for some heartbreak here? I deleted the morning after scene following the waterfall wedding night between Miss Morrow and her man :-(. Sorry, dear readers, 'twas just a wee bit too intimate and for my eyes only. But it was oh so sweet! I couldn't bear to throw it away so it went into my outtakes file. I felt that I was baring my soul a little too much in that scene. Nothing inappropriate, mind you, but it was like spilling my heart onto the page… I will say that in that particular scene a certain someone shares with a certain someone that he has saved himself for her all those years and has loved her for a very long time.

7.) A piece of sage advice on love or romance that you've learned or that someone has told you that's true or just plain funny?

Absence really does make the heart grow fonder - if you're truly in love. My favorite romances involve distance and letter writing, savoring each moment of a slow-growing romance. Very old-fashioned. Not the hurly burly of the here and now. If it's real it doesn't matter how far apart you are. If it's God-ordained distance is a moot point. When Randy and I were dating we just held hands for months. Nothing else. But how sweet that was!

8.) Okay this is kind of a fun question:

They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, I happen to believe that this is true for us ladies as well (at least for me anyways). What would your hubby make, if he had limitless culinary skills, to warm the cockles of your heart?

Oh, this one makes me chuckle:-)… My wonderful husband cannot even operate the microwave. So…in my dreams, I would have Randy don a chef's hat and whip up some prime rib with horseradish sauce, risotto, spinach soufflé, fettuccini alfredo (you can't have too much pasta, ya know) and then wow me with a lemon meringue pie, southern style. Top it off with some sweet tea and you'd probably be pretty sick :-(. I do so love to eat!

Thanks a million, Renee, for such great questions and for allowing me to mingle with your readers once again. You all are such a blessing!

Be sure to visit Laura @ Her WEBSITE!

To celebrate romance I'm offering a gift pack of three Christian fiction romance books to one lucky winner. One book is the brand new release, Save the Date by Jenny B. Jones (this one is an early favorite for my top ten books of the year list!) and two other books that will be a surprise since I LOVE surprises!!!!

EXTRA ENTRY: Which cover of those pictured above is your fave?
To enter just leave a comment with your email in a format similar to this: steelergirl83(at)gmail(dot)com. US residents only please. Void where prohibited. Contest open until Feb. 13th, 11:59pm EST. Winner will be drawn on Feb, 14th using, notified by email and announced on this blog. Winner will have 48 hours from time I email them to respond or another winner will be selected at random.

Remember to click HERE for all the other sites that hosted the party this week and to visit Amber's blog tomorrow for the grand finale!


  1. I loved the look of The Colonel's Lady from the moment I saw it :) Yup, in love.


  2. Oh, I just love this whole interview! Laura Frantz is one of my favorite authors and such a dear friend. :)

    I finally read Jane Eyre all the way through for my Brit. Lit. class, and I really enjoyed it, as aggravating as it was. ;)

    And oh! I'm finishing up watching North & South (for who knows how many times!) right now!!! I LOVE that movie, and I'm so glad ya'll recommended it!

    The Ashokan Farewell is such a haunting, sweet melody. :)

    Laura, I love your response about writing romance scenes!! And also about long-distance relationships. :) So sweet and so true!

    Anyway, like I said before, I love this interview, and I'd love a chance to win those books, Renee! :D Thanks so much!



    P.S. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day!!!

  3. Oops! Forgot to add my favorite cover!'s between Courting Morrow Little and The Colonel's Lady. So hard to choose! I'm really partial to CML, but I do love the blue dress in TCL. :) Can't wait to read TCL!!


  4. Laura and Renee ~ such a fun interview :)

    Love your romantic couples, Laura and do not fear, you are not alone in "old age" - we had a Bryan Adam's song for our bridal waltz - hehehe!

    Don't include me in the draw, Renee.

  5. Great interview! Laura, I think it's sweet that you deleted that scene from CML because it was like "spilling your heart on the page." It's good to know how much of yourself you put into your writing. And I think Ashoken Farewell is perfect for a backwoods story--though I, too, remember Bryan Adams (theme to Robin Hood).

    Thanks for hosting Laura and a book giveaway, Renee! This was fun.

  6. This was such a fun interview to read! My grandpa used to make the sweet tea in my family. He'd have gallons of it. And I have never heard of Bryan Adams, but I think I will check it out. gasweetheart211[at]netscape[dot]net

    And about the covers... they just keep getting better and better. The Colonel's Lady is my favorite so far.

  7. Great interview! I'm adding your website to my "favorites".

    My favorite cover was Courting Morrow Little.

  8. I also Loved North and South! What an awesome interview!!
    The covers are all inviting to a reader! Guess if I have to pick one it would be Courting Morrow Little.


  9. I like the `Courting Morrow Little` cover

  10. Fantastic interview, ladies!!! I love when Laura is being interviewed because I get to see more of the heart of my dear friend and favorite author! :)

    Laura, this was one of my favorite interviews I’ve read of yours yet! And, when you talked about that deleted scene after the waterfall scene… wow! Even though you couldn’t share the scene, what you did share about it touched my heart :) How beautiful and romantic to think of a guy doing that! And a ridiculously handsome, manly one at that! :) Thank you, dear Laura, for the amazing heroes you’ve given us and the wonderful ones yet to come! And, I’m totally with you for favorite romantic movie! John “heartbreak” Thorton!! LOVE it!! :D

    As far as my favorite book cover of Laura’s it’s a toss between Courting Morrow Little and The Colonel’s Lady… but since I haven’t held TCL in my hands yet and experienced it’s beauty firsthand, I’m gonna have to say CML!! Raspberry silk *sigh*

    Renee, these questions were great and I thank you SO much for having Laura here today!! And thank you SO much for a chance to win some books!! :)

    Praying you both have a beautiful, blessed Sunday!!

    P.S.- Don’t know if this was intentional to not give anything away from the story but in the first question Morrow has the wrong hero. It’s only my favorite book ever so it jumped out at me, LOL! ;)

  11. Thank you, Renee and Laura!! I always love hearing from Laura. Your beautiful heart shines through in every interview and I'm so grateful you have a heart for your readers.

    I adore Cadbury, too. In fact I've been known to have a Canadian friend from college bring some over. I think I've heard it is a different texture so doesn't tend to do well in the U.S. climate, is that why they don't sell much of it here?

    After hearing you girls talk about it I think my next movie will have to be the BBC Jane Eyre. :)

    Oh, also...its a hard decision but I think TCL is my favorite. Love the blue and I'm strange but I'm partial to the "no faces."

  12. I love all the covers, but Courting ML is my fave. I have not read any of your books, however, I am very anxious to do so. Maybe I'll win one?!?! Thanks!!


  13. Please enter me in this awesome giveaway!! I LOVE surprises! :-)

    My FAVORITE cover has to be Courting Morrow Little - it's sooooo beautiful and breathtaking!!! Thanks for the extra entry!


  14. Ariel I love all the cover's but The Colonel's Lady has a soft ethereal look about it huh?

    Amber, What are we going to do with you watching North and South so many times? Oh wait I do that too! hehehe :-P

    Rel, I know who Bryan is too LOL! I like to listen the the "classics."

    Renee Ann, wasn't that 'deleted' scene peek incredible? *sigh*

    Adge, Yummmm sweet tea is one of my faves...besides Mtn. Dew of course ;-)

    Julie thanks for adding me! :-)

    Maureen so happy to see you here, it's always fun to find another North and South fan!

    Michelle thanks for coming by! You picked my favorite cover too!

    Amanda you have an eye! I read through this interview many times and I didn't catch that little "oops" and Laura told me she may have even made one when she sent me the interview!

    Julia I must say that I'm usually not a fan of "no faces" but lately if a cover has a hero on it he's COMPLETELY different than the one in my head. I'm starting to wish for headless heroes LOLOLOL.

    Jackie I definitely recommend ALL of Laura's books you won't be disappointed!!!

    Katy, Thanks for coming today! I have your extra entries down!

    XOXO~ Renee

  15. Wonderful interview, ladies.

    Laura, I am grinning over your mention of Bryan Adams. Definitely one of my all time favorites. I believe I drove my mom crazy with a couple of his songs, and a few Boyz II Men songs too.

    Also love what you wrote about the older couples, so I agree.

    My favorite cover is CML.

  16. I'm old enough to appreciate Bryan Adams also. LOL.

    Great hearing from Laura today. I keep seeing this North and South movie mentioned all over the place. Will definitely have to check it out.

    I can't pick a favorite cover from above, they're all beautiful! I haven't read any of Laura's books yet, but I promise that will be rectified this year!

    Renee, I completely agree with you about Save the Date. I have a feeling it will make my best of the year list too.

    Joy GLee G@aol. com

  17. OH MY! What a wonder it is to wake up to so many great comments from friends old and new:) Grrrr - this west coast time has me arriving late to the party! Bless each of you for taking time to stop here! You've made my day!

    I LOVE Renee's cover question - and I LOVE reading your answers. Poor Lael! Simple homespun just doesn't compete with raspberry silk and sapphire blue satin:-)! Author friend, Ann Gabhart, says I'm going to get a reputation for the best-dressed heroines:-) If so, I can only thank Revell's inspired art team and you readers! Remember last year when you blog readers asked for a blue dress for The Colonel's Lady? Well, you got it! I'm already thinking of the cover for the next book and can't imagine what that might look like as it begins a whole new series. Anyway, thanks for the cover love...

    I hope each of you has a wonderful Valentine's Day no matter where you are or how you're celebrating. We tend to be pretty low key here though Randy did bring me one long stem red rose. Wyatt bought some chocolate roses for some friends who are girls (notice I didn't say girlfriends!) and Paul is bringing heart cookies and red punch to his school party. I'm fasting - lol!

    I'll check in after church and see who else has come by. A blessed Sabbath to you all!

  18. hi renee & laura,

    actually love all of the covers...but my most favourite is 'the colonel's lady'...thanks for this fabulous giveaway.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  19. Well, I didn't think I was THAT old...I remember Bryan Adams. ;) I guess I'm getting on up there. :)
    I enjoyed this interview!! I haven't read anything by Laura YET, but I will. But, it did make me desperately want some sweet tea, and I can't have any. Not even decaffienated. :(
    I'm going to enter for the other two books, since I already have Save the Date.

    And since I'm obsessed with blue, my obvious choice for favorite cover is The Colonel's Lady.

    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  20. Hi Karen, It's good to see you popping up here! And thanks for the thumbs up for TCL cover ~ I never thought we'd top Morrow's but glad to see some of you love that blue:)

    Bluerose, I was just visiting your blog yesterday as I'd heard it was a blessing! Guess that makes me a lurker as I didn't leave a comment. But I was blessed and now I know why you must skip the sweet tea:) I lost all taste for decaf coffee during that time which was quite a remarkable thing. Enjoy every minute of this precious time!

  21. Aw, How very sweet! I do love old fashioned romances :) that is why I love Laura's books. And how could I pick a favorite cover? That's so impossible. I love each of the covers for their own reasons, mainly for the intense yet dreamy colors. I love Morrow Little at the moment probably because I've seen it in person and I love the pinks and yellows in it, they're unusual when it comes to a book cover. But I cant wait to see the lovely blues of The Colonel's Lady in person too!~
    Please count me in for the giveaway! I'm at audreyeclectic(at)

  22. I forgot to add my email:

    Can't wait for TCL!

  23. Oooh, I'd love to get some new books! I loved reading this interview!

    leanniegehrke at hotmail dot com

  24. I love all three covers, but the second one I think is my favorite. I love her dress, hair, AND the background setting!

    leanniegehrke at hotmail dot com

  25. Leanne, Welcome:) Love hearing your likes about those covers! Thanks so much for entering the drawing!

    Heather, Your artistic eye is so interesting to me. I'd never considered that the CML colors were unusual but you are so right! So happy to see you here:)

  26. Laura- That just made my day that you visited my blog! Authors are the celebrities in my life. I get so excited "meeting" authors. :)

  27. Bluerose, That sure makes me smile:) Thanks so much for the enthusiasm and encouragement - and keep doing what you're doing in cyberspace - it's working very well!!

  28. Whoops! I'm checking in on hubby's computer and am signed in under my son's account. This is Laura, not Wyatt:) Bless you all! BTW, "stolenbmx" does not mean stolen... Sigh. These men of mine!

  29. Michelle! I loved Boyz II Men especially their duet, One Sweet Day with Mariah Carey!

    Joy you MUST see N&S it's soooo good!

    Hi Karen, Isn't it hard to chose a fave cover? They're all so beautiful. Laura you definitely have the best dressed heroines!

    BlueRose- I'm sure you will enjoy Laura's books if you ever get the chance to read them!

    Heather I know that Laura's current releases are gorgeous in person so I can't wait to see The Colonel's Lady when it releases!

    Leanne, I wonder what Morrow uses on here hair LOL! It is gorgeous!

    XOXO~ Renee

  30. wooooo.... that interview was a little steamy in some places, Laura!!!
    It made me smile.
    I would have to say that my favorite cover is Courting Morrow Little.

    loko6 at peak dot org


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