A Special Celebration!

It is so hard for me to believe that I have been blogging for almost a year now! March 3, 2009, was the date of my first blog entry . I have certainly come a long way since then! I've met so many great people through my blog who have been such a blessing to me! To celebrate one AWESOME year of blogging I'm holding a Blogaversary celebration, March 15-19th! Some of my very favorite Christian fiction authors will be stopping by during the week to help me celebrate and I would love for you to stop by too! Not only will there be great posts featuring some great books but there will be giveaways as well! How awesome is that?! After all what is a party without presents? ;-) On top of all that I will also be giving a gift to one lucky person who comments during the week! Below is a list of my Blogaversary VIPs who will be guest posting throughout the week! Be sure to click on each authors name to visit their terrific websites! Trust me, they're beautiful and feature a lot of...