
Showing posts from February, 2012

Clash of the Titles: Guest Lisa Lickel

* guest post by COTT Senior Editor,  April W Gardner The lovely Lisa Lickel has stopped by today to talk about her frigid Wisconsin winters, her 1830ā€™s shipā€™s captain house, and her growing list of published novels. Join us! Lisa  is a Wisconsin writer who lives with her husband in a hundred and fifty-year-old house built by a Great Lakes ship captain. Surrounded by books and dragons, she is a multi-published novelist, has written dozens of feature newspaper stories, magazine articles, radio theater, and edits two magazines: Creative Wisconsin and OtherSheep. She is also the senior editor at Reflections in Hindsight . Lisa is the author of A Summer in Oakville , co-authored with Shellie Neumeier, Meander Scar , Healing Grace , and The Gold Standard . Wisconsin. Brrr! What's the coldest weather you've endured? Lisa: The thermometers read in the negative thirties. The temp has to be at least twenty below, not just wind chill, to call off school. Once itā€™s minus ten o...

A Tumultuous Tale of Love on the High Seas: Heart's Safe Passage (The Midwives, Book 2) by Laurie Alice Eakes

Heart's Safe Passage (The Midwives, Bk 2) by Laurie Alice Eakes Copyright 2012 Revell Publishers ISBN: 9780800719852 My Thoughts: I'm a huge fan of pirate tales since reading MaryLu Tyndall's Legacy of the King's Pirates series. Even though that series was drawn to a conclusion a few years ago I still look for and enjoy tales that are set aboard ships. This book in The Midwives series is a fine example of everything I love about high seas romances. At first I was a little underwhelmed by the characters and the plot but as the story unfurled and the unpredictability of the sea and rogue privateers became a factor I couldn't put the book down. There is no other word than tumultuous to describe this book. The relationship between Phoebe and Rafe (best pirate/privateer name ever) was so realistic. The arguments and the genuine anger didn't evolve smoothly into an easygoing relationship once they got to know each othe...

Clash of the Titles: Almost Kiss Winner

*guest post by Raquel Byrnes The Almost Kiss clash has been a whirlwind of romance, breathless moments, and possibilities! Your responses to the excerpts were amazing. Both books were great examples of riveting Christian Fiction available out there, but there can be only one winner and I am happy to announce that book is... A Thyme for Love by Pamela S. Meyers! Pamela's winning Almost Kiss excerpt was full of sparks and surprises.  Here's a small snippet of the great scene: ...Marc tipped my chin up with his index finger. ā€œApril, youā€™re sweating.ā€ He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed my forehead. I had nowhere to look but into his eyes and, once there, I couldnā€™t pull my gaze away. Good thing I didnā€™t want to. His eyes went to my mouth and he leaned closer. I lifted my chin in anticipation. So much for the bossā€™s orders...  He brought his mouth closer, and the tiny elevator started to spin. Then everything went black. If you missed it, drop by Clas...

Waiting on Wednesday: Always the Designer, Never the Bride by Sandra Bricker

Jill over @  Breaking the Spine  hosts a weekly meme that features one book that you can't wait to be released! Be sure to visit Jill's site to see what she and other readers can't wait to get their hands on. Eeep! I do so love weddings but what true romantic doesn't, right? I'm super excited to read Sandra Bricker's latest "Emma Rae" book and I'll bet after you read the blurb you will be too! Check it out below and tell me what you think! Always the Designer Never the Bride by Sandra D. Bricker Copyright 2012 Abingdon Press ISBN: 9781426732232 About the book: Itā€™s taken Audrey Regan years to establish herself as a wedding dress designer, and to date sheā€™s been roped into creating dresses for nine of her girlfriends. Request #10 follows her vow to ā€œJust say no!ā€ and comes from her very best friend. She can hardly turn Carly down! Audrey arrives in Atlanta early to perform all of her maid-of-honor duties along with final fi...

Who Knew? Newspapers and Romance: Words Spoken True by Ann H. Gabhart

Words Spoken True by Ann H. Gabhart Copyright 2012 Revell Books ISBN: 9780800720452 My Thoughts: Just a few years ago I discovered Ann Gabhart through her Shaker series set in Harmony Hill. I loved the complexities of a "simple" life that were presented throughout the series and enjoyed the sweet romance and faith elements that were presented. In Words Spoken True Ms. Gabhart has taken a completely different yet equally enthralling path. Take a worldly newspaperman and a talented writer/typesetter who work for rival newspapers and throw them together in the midst of a growing Louisville where the influx of Irish Catholic immigrants has caused anything but peace. Throw in a serial killer and toe-curling romance and you have one awesome read that is worth stopping the presses for. I loved every bit of it from Adriane, who just wanted to write a great story to Blake the arrogant editor who just jumps off the page, Duff the newsboy, and even the ol' flea bit...

Litfuse Blog Tour + My Review: Sweeter Than Birdsong by Rosslyn Elliott

Sweeter Than Birdsong by Rosslyn Elliott Copyright 2012 Thomas Nelson Publishers ISBN: 9781595547866 My Thoughts: With last year's debut from author Rosslyn Elliott I immediately fell in love. Her ability to tell a tale with a great setting, complex characters, and vivid; raw emotion was superb. With the continuation of The Saddler's Legacy we meet the next generation of Hanbys and are once again thrust into a world of controversy and divided loyalties right on the cusp of a war that would divide a nation. Hold on to your hat, it's a dramatic story with twists you won't see coming! Kate Winter's is an exceedingly shy lady with an extraordinary soul and heart for music. Fellow student at Otterbein College, Ben Hanby also has a heart for music and longs to draw beauty Kate out of her shell. On a trip to Cincinnati with friends Kate's life takes an unexpected turn when she learns the secret of the Hanby family and the key to unlocking her voice to reach a...

FIRST Wild Card Blog Tour + Review: Warring Spirits by April W. Gardner

It is time for a FIRST Wild Card Tour book review! If you wish to join the FIRST blog alliance, just click the button. We are a group of reviewers who tour Christian books. A Wild Card post includes a brief bio of the author and a full chapter from each book toured. The reason it is called a FIRST Wild Card Tour is that you never know if the book will be fiction, non~fiction, for young, or for old...or for somewhere in between! Enjoy your free peek into the book! You never know when I might play a wild card on you! Today's Wild Card author is: April W Gardner and the book: Warring Spirits Vinspire Publishing, LLC (November 30, 2011) ***Special thanks to April Gardner for sending me a review copy.*** ABOUT THE AUTHOR: April W Gardner has been a military brat, missionary's kid, and military spouse. After 21 years in various countries overseas, she happily resides in Georgia with her USAF husband and two sweet kiddos. In her free time, April enjoys r...