What I've Been Up To...

Some of you may be wondering where I've been lately, well I'm glad to say there are a few good reasons why I haven't been posting a whole lot in the past few weeks. Sometimes it's hard to believe but I do have a life outside of cyberspace (I know, right?!). I've been visiting with family and working on new creative projects on top of all the reading I need to do in order to keep this blog informative and relevant. Family and the new creative endeavor I'm working on have been taking up A LOT of my time but it's not a bad thing in the least! I'm happy to say that the "project" I've been working on is somewhat book related and it might potentially lead to an even bigger project - my own online store! By now you're probably all wondering what in the world I'm talking about so I'm going to tell you. I've been making book purses! What the heck is a book purse you may ask, well it's as simple as it sounds, a purse made fr...